Other RF Products

Anti-Jamming GNSS

Anti-Jamming GNSS


Attenuators & Loads absorb RF power, minimizing reflection & adding. Low VSWR, compact design, bi-directional, 1-40 dB, low PIM, various connectors.



A bias tee is a 3-port diplexer used to set DC bias for components without disturbing others. Low freq. port sets bias, high freq. port passes RF, while combined port connects to the device, resembling a T shape.


Directional couplers in radio tech use close transmission lines to couple energy, unequally splitting signals for specific purposes. Available in directional/bi-directional, various dB couplings, and connector types.

DC blocks

DC blocks

DC blocks are coaxial components that block audio and DC frequencies, minimizing RF signal interference. They come in three types: inner only, outer only, and inner/outer, each with capacitors arranged differently. Outer models use non-conductive insulation.




Power dividers and directional couplers are passive devices in radio tech, splitting or combining electromagnetic power for various applications with minimal loss and high isolation. They’re crucial for transmission testing, power combining, and signal processing in a wide frequency range.

Electromechanical Switches

A switch in electrical engineering controls circuit connectivity, interrupting or diverting current. Various types like SPDT, DPDT, etc., with options such as high performance, different connectors, frequency range, and features like low PIM and failsafe, are available, serving diverse needs.




Isolators and circulators are non-reciprocal devices used in RF systems. Isolators transmit power in one direction to shield equipment, while circulators direct signals to specific ports, controlling signal flow in circuits. They’re made of magnets and ferrite material, crucial for RF component protection and signal control.


Limiters in electronics control signal amplitudes, allowing weaker signals unchanged while reducing stronger ones. They prevent clipping and are used for safety, managing signal peaks.

Phase Array RFFE

Development of active phased array for PAIR (Polarimetric Atmospheric Imaging Radar), RF front end module controls the phase and gain of the transmission and reception signals to a 24 channel array port (antenna= for beam forming transmission and reception.

Phase shifters

Phase shifters

PIN Switches

PIN diode acts as a fast RF switch: low capacitance in « off » state blocks RF, forward bias (~1mA) reduces RF resistance to ~1 ohm, allowing RF conduction. Faster than RF relays (tens of ms), but switching times vary with RF frequency.

Satcom & GNSS repeater

Satcom & GNSS repeater

Iridium and GNSS repeater solution enables transmission of Satphone and GNSS signals from outdoor to indoor where line-of-sight to satellite is not available.


A frequency synthesizer generates various frequencies from a single reference frequency. It’s vital in modern devices like radios, TVs, phones, and GPS. Techniques like frequency multiplication and phase-locked loops are used, relying on stable reference frequencies, often from crystal oscillators, for accuracy.



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